Essential Responsibilities:
- Develop, implement and evaluate volunteer-based systems for Growing Places distribution program including updating volunteer procedures, strategies and materials (recruitment, orientation, retention, appreciation, and evaluation);
- Work with community partners to create sustainable systems for volunteer recruitment and engagement at Growing Places.
- Pilot new procedures and systems that advance food equity and access in North Central MA related to distribution: Key elements include:
- Establish partner communication for volunteer engagement in distribution systems with farmers and institutions;
Essential Responsibilities:
- Develop, implement and evaluate volunteer-based systems for Growing Places distribution program including updating volunteer procedures, strategies and materials (recruitment, orientation, retention, appreciation, and evaluation);
- Work with community partners to create sustainable systems for volunteer recruitment and engagement at Growing Places.
- Pilot new procedures and systems that advance food equity and access in North Central MA related to distribution: Key elements include:
- Establish partner communication for volunteer engagement in distribution systems with farmers and institutions;
- Recruit and coordinate volunteers for Growing Places distribution program;
- Scale and integrate volunteer driven distribution procedures that include picking up/delivering
produce from local farms for delivery to Growing Places warehouse, local institutions, and home
delivery participants; building capacity of the Mobile Market; and optimizing delivery routes with volunteers;
- Maintain the Salesforce database for volunteers participating in distribution programs and support the volunteer evaluation and appreciation process;
- Grow the SNAP/HIP (Healthy Incentives Program) and institutional customer base to support the local food system and resident health and wellbeing.
- Complete a minimum of 1,500 hours of service, serving through June 24, 2023.
- Attend a minimum of 6 Commonwealth Corps trainings and service events held by MSA post orientation.
- Participate in a minimum of 1 hour of MSA-related activities each week. This may include filling out timesheets, completing a bi-monthly reflection or check-in, or other MSA-related tasks or activities.
Marginal Responsibilities:
- Participate in Local Food Works and HEAL Winchendon coalition meetings.
- Provide periodic volunteer program reports to demonstrate progress.
- Be a part of the greater Commonwealth Corps community, including participating in cross-site learning groups, writing a short profile for the CC newsletter, connecting with other members on our online platforms, and attending optional social/service events.