Perkins School For The Blind

175 North Beacon St, Watertown, Ma 02472-2751
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Our missionHelp build a more inclusive world and brighter future for children with multiple disabilities and visual impairments.
Education, Social Justice & Equality

Perkins School For The Blind

About usPerkins School for the Blind, founded in 1829, was the first school for the blind in the United States. Even 175 years ago, our founders were committed to opening the doors to education, literacy and independence for people who are blind, visually impaired and deafblind. We are the worldwide leader in education services for children and young adults who are blind and visually impaired with multiple disabilities. An international NGO, we are infinitely innovating to solve longstanding and emerging problems facing our communities, our students and our families.

CC Volunteer Engagement Specialist

Essential Responsibilities:

  • In collaboration with Volunteer Program Manager, support all aspects of the Perkins Volunteer Program across campus including:
    • Collection of volunteer jobs from Perkins staff and creation of job descriptions
    • Creation of on-line training modules to support volunteer jobs
    • Recruiting, training, onboarding and recognition of volunteers.
  • Manage implementation of volunteers in direct service across all areas of Perkins.